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ACD Connect brings you the latest news in industrial automation. New technologies, product updates, engineering tips and how-to's. Find it here!

Troubleshoot from the Comfort of your Office - eWON Cosy 131

Imagine all the time you’ll save being able to troubleshoot from your desk. In the beginning of...

Why RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)?

Radio frequency identification, or RFID, is a technology using radio waves to automatically...

5 Common AC Drive Terms You Should Know

As drive technology continues to advance, drive features are constantly being added by the...

Life Expectancy of LEDs

As your metal halide and fluorescents burn out, it's a good time to consider switching to LED...

Two Easy Clicks for Great Diagnostics at your HMI

Getting good diagnostic information about your system components doesn't need to be a hassle...

Machine Safety Today: Protect Your Most Valuable Asset

Accidents happen!

The indirect costs of accidents are greater than the direct costs. According to...

Energy Savings through LED Lighting [Free Template]

Recently there has been a lot of buzz regarding retrofitting existing light fixtures, energy...

LED Lighting - Thriving in Cold Temperatures

As an LED Lighting salesmen, we frequently receive questions regarding this product – to most...