ACD Connect | Advanced Controls and Distribution

LED Lighting: 5 More Facts You Didn't Know

Written by Michelle Szemanski | Jun 27, 2016 6:59:18 PM

In LED Lighting: 6 Facts You Didn't Know, we reviewed some of the unique quirks and characteristics of LED lighting basics. Here are five more facts about LED lighting that you probably didn't know:


1.  LED Lighting was Invented Over 50 Years Ago

Due to the slow adoption of LEDs, many people perceive it as a new technology. LED lighting was actually invented in 1962 by Nick Holonyak, Jr. when he worked at General Electric. Since then, LEDs have evolved in efficiency and accessibility, and prices have come down so far that most major installations cross the payback threshold within 2 years.

2.  LED Lighting Kills Bacteria

Many deli counters and even medical offices are switching to LED lighting because it kills the bacteria that traditional lighting can encourage. For reasons researchers are only just now beginning to understand, certain wavelengths of visible blue light can eradicate stubborn bacteria – on foods in a sandwich display or buffet, or even in patients with infections or inflammation. That means safer sandwiches from your favorite café and better health care!

3.  LEDs are 95% Recyclable

The average LED light bulb can shine for decades, but when you're ready to replace your lights, the waste doesn't have to go into a landfill. 95% of an LED light bulb is recyclable, and LED lighting contains no trace of toxic chemicals like mercury (which can be found in incandescents and fluorescents). If you do end up tossing a bulb after recycling day, it won't contribute to toxic contamination in groundwater.

4.  LEDs are Powerful Grow Lights for Plant Life

LEDs can be constructed with specific semiconductors to radiate select wavelengths – the exact wavelengths plants need to grow at different stages of life. For example, blue lighting encourages full-grown leafy plants, while red light nurtures budding and flowering plants. Whether you’re growing crops, running a greenhouse or nursery, or just keeping your houseplants alive, LEDs could be the light your plants need.

5.  LEDs Reduce Light Pollution for Stargazers

LED lights are directional, meaning the fixtures can be precisely aimed to maximize useful illumination. For street and exterior building lights, that means light can brighten the target area without radiating light into the atmosphere. This cuts back on the haze of light pollution around cities and towns, making it easier to see the stars at night.


If you're interested in seeing how LED lighting solutions can benefit your business, talk to one of our experts. Get a free LED Lighting consultation!



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